Send thousands of targeted emails every month & convert leads into customers

Cold Email Outreach System

Keep your top of funnel full of fresh prospects & bring in new customers at a fraction of the cost of paid ads & other methods of client acquisition

We setup your automated cold email system & put it on autopilot

Cold email outreach uses a distributed system of google mailboxes & AI automations. It can be quite complex to setup if you're not experienced. Scoy AI takes care of it all. Here is what we do:

  • Create your account & have your onboarding call

  • Purchase the domain names required on your behalf

  • Setup your Google Workspace email accounts

  • Create the DNS records required

  • Begin warming up your email accounts

  • Write you a custom 5 step email automation sequence

  • Source targeted leads & verify deliverabity

  • Upload lead list to automated email sending system

Then after two weeks of email warming, we launch your campaign 🚀

We then monitor your campaign for performance to assure we are hitting the benchmarks (KPIs) we have set including deliverablity reply & conversion rate, making necessary adjustments along the way

Cold Email Outreach System Features

  • Warmed email accounts to insure delivery

  • Drives inbound sales appointments

  • Lowers your CPA (cost per acquisition) for new clients

  • Is fully managed and supported by our cold outreach team

  • Fully automated follow-up automations included

How the ScoyAI Cold Email Outreach System Works

We use a distributed system of mailboxes and drip out your emails with AI Automation

Cold Email Infrastructure Setup Timeline

This is what we do to ramp up your DFY cold email system over 8 weeks

Start by building up to sending 30 emails per mailbox per day. With 10 email boxes you will send 300 emails per day.

This is just the starting point. Once your target CPA is achieved or surpassed we ramp it up!

Flexible Monthly Pricing Plans

Scaling Your Outreach Has Never Been Easier!


Pro Plan



  • 15 User Seats

  • Unmimited Contacts

  • Unlimited Leads

  • Unlimited Email

  • Unlimited Funnels

  • 100's of Prebuilt Templates

  • Unlimited Automations

  • Unlimited Forms

  • Unlimited Surveys

  • Unlimited Calendars

  • Unlimited Pipelines

  • A/B Split Testing


  • DFY Cold Email Infrastructure (10 mailboxes Max)

  • 3,000 Free Targeted Leads / Month

  • Full Support Phone Email Whatsapp

30 Day Free Trial Then

$1997/m $597 monthly

One time $ 999 setup fee for cold email

Platinum Plan



  • Unlimited User Seats

  • Unlimited Contacts

  • Unlimited Subaccounts

  • Unlimited Leads

  • Unlimited Email

  • Unlimited Funnels

  • 100's of Prebuilt Templates

  • Unlimited Automations

  • Unlimited Forms

  • Unlimited Surveys

  • Unlimited Calendars

  • Unlimited Pipelines

  • A/B Split Testing


  • DFY Cold Email Infrastructure (30 mailboxes Max)

  • 5,000 Free Targeted Leads / Month

  • Full Support Phone Email Whatsapp

30 Day Free Trial Then

$4997/m $1297 monthly

One time $ 999 setup fee for cold email

Schedule a call with ScoyAI and let's see how we can

help you accelerate your online growth with cutting

edge marketing tactics and our software tools

Address: Laki 24-2/4010, Tallinn Harjumaa 12915

Email: [email protected]

Tallinn, Estonia

In addtion to the best software for marketing automation, you have access to Scoy and his team who will onboard you and create your marketing roadmap designed for success.

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